Marco Pellegrinato

  1. Are you or have you been an MPEG member?
    Not really, not directly at least. I always been honored to be an MPEG supporter
  2. What do you think makes MPEG special?
    “Everyone use it, only few know it”  This is a fact!  An huge number of people use MPEG daily, many times a day: listening digital radio, watching TV or even navigating on internet browsers or devices and much more than this, but only few people (experts) really know what is it.
  3. What do you think is the most important MPEG impact?
    MPEG make possible to contents and media to be largely distributed to humans globally all over the entire planets and even outside that, in the space. Few other technologies have been so effective to spread contents to consumers.
  4. Do you think MPEG is a good conduit for research?
    MPEG success is mainly due to thousand and thousand of researchers and engineers, whose intuitive ideas has consolidated in commercial products throughout their precious work. The success of those brilliant humans made possible the MPEG success.. Definitively, MPEG is indeed a good conduit for research,
  5. Can you comment on your MPEG experience?
    I joined TV broadcasting sector when Audiovisual content was still analogue.  My 40 year experience in Broadcast operation and TV  production facilities design have been largerly devoted to migrate from analogue to digital, from digital TV production up to digital distribution, to digital home receivers, trough terrestrial, satellite or even IP distribution networks.
  6. Are you happy with MPEG standards?
    Sure but, …never stop the train please… still a lot must be done!
  7. Do you think MPEG standards are the right choice?
    Sure, in many cases, it is so…
  8. What do you expect from MPEG in the future?
    I wonder if a standard for true multidimensional audiovisual codec, capable to be used for next generation spatial located audiovisual content will be available soon or late. Audiovisual need to abandon planoscopic rectangular dimension to enter the era of spatial multidimensional holo-projection is essential.

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