Vittorio Baroncini

  1. Are you or have you been an MPEG member?
  2. What do you think makes MPEG special?
    Years of success in the creation of standards that are become an essential part of our everyday life whenever we access any kind of media (audio, TV, multimedia streaming, CD, DVD)
  3. What do you think is the most important MPEG impact?
    MP3 for audio was a revolution allowing any portable device to store millions of audio tracks, AVC/HEVC/VVC for video made digital TV possible, DASH improved the way multimedia streaming is reaching final users.
  4. Do you think MPEG is a good conduit for research?
    MPEG has push to the creation of tens of new research laboratories all over the world. Thousands of new researchers have been
  5. Can you comment on your MPEG experience?
    It has been as I would never done working inside my company or just writing papers to journal and conferences. The number of people I met in MPEG allowed me also to create my own personal research activity.
  6. Are you satisfied with MPEG standards?
    Absolutely YES
  7. Do you think MPEG standards are the right choice?
  8. What do you expect from MPEG in the future?
    To continue to be place where new technologies will be developed in a way they allow the generation of new standard accessible to any company at a reasonable condition as ISO and ITU rules dictates

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